Tired Of Feeling Overweight, Out Of Shape, & Frustrated Because You Have No Clue Where To Start, How To Stay Motivated Or Who To Trust When It Comes To Getting In Shape?

Attention Busy Parents & Working Professionals: Want To Flatten Your Stomach & Become Unstuck In Your Fitness Without Endless Meal Prep Or Restrictive Dieting?

Schedule your FREE Game Plan Chat ($299 Value) and get the game plan you need to get back your body confidence, undo years of unhealthy habits, & get fitter, leaner, & stronger than you've been in years! 

What All Will You Get From This Session?

  • Bring clarity to your fitness vision so you can actually create an EXACT blueprint for your lasting success without all the guesswork.
  • ​Identify & overcome the obstacles and challenges that you struggle with  so you can make real progress, no matter your current condition or how long you've been struggling.
  • Receive a custom fitness plan built just for you so that you can move forward and build your best body ever, in less time than you ever thought possible.
  • ​Learn the 3 key strategies you are probably not using that will ignite your success and accelerate your fitness transformation.
  • ​Reveal the one DEADLY cycle that stops most people who struggle with their fitness from ever getting results, and you don't even realize you're doing it.
  • ​Secure your spot on my limited-access VIP wait list for my BRAND NEW Rockstar Body 30-Day Blueprint containing my exact strategies I would use to build my best body in 30 days if I had to get in shape FAST for a special event, birthday trip, photoshoot, etc... (you will gain access to all tools including an exact done-for-you checklist for each day over the next 30 days).
  • Bring clarity to your fitness vision so you can actually create an EXACT blueprint for your lasting success without all the guesswork.
  • ​Identify & overcome the obstacles and challenges that you struggle with  so you can make real progress, no matter your current condition or how long you've been struggling.
  • Receive a custom fitness plan built just for you so that you can move forward and build your best body ever, in less time than you ever thought possible.
  • ​Learn the 3 key strategies you are probably not using that will ignite your success and accelerate your fitness transformation.
  • ​Reveal the one DEADLY cycle that stops most people who struggle with their fitness from ever getting results, and you don't even realize you're doing it.
  • ​Secure your spot on my limited-access VIP wait list for my BRAND NEW Rockstar Body 30-Day Blueprint containing my exact strategies I would use to build my best body in 30 days if I had to get in shape FAST for a special event, birthday trip, photoshoot, etc... (you will gain access to all tools including an exact done-for-you checklist for each day over the next 30 days).
No TV, No Video Games, No Sleepovers, No Parties...

Everett Shipmon 

...nothing that you would expect a typical kid to experience growing up. 

As the oldest of 7 siblings, I spent all day in church on Sundays and was also in church 5 nights a week. 

After graduating high school, I went off to college but dropped out after my first year and was really just ambulating through life, accumulating as may jobs as I could. I felt I had let my family down as a scholar and as a minister. Then, on the last weekend of October 2006, I was fired from both jobs I held. I hit a low point and my confidence tanked. I had dreams but no idea how to make them happen. After about 2 months of unemployment, I found a mentor who took me under his wing and tapped into the deepest parts of me. He introduced me to his lifestyle. 
At first, it was all very foreign to me. He would always wake up early, read and meditate, eat a healthy breakfast, then start immediately grinding on his dreams. He was the most confident, disciplined man I knew. Even better, he believed in me and what I could become. We would work on developing youth programs together and focused on working out regularly and eating healthily. 

In the gym is where I became so fascinated with everything I saw. The people were so energetic, so confident, so strong and incredibly powerful. There was something there that I felt I had to have.

After a few weeks, I noticed my physical body changing and that got me super excited! But something even more powerful was happening on the inside. My confidence was skyrocketing! 

And I wanted more. 

I felt I could do anything as a result of my new lifestyle. My dreams and visions became clearer and even larger than life. I returned to school and finished with 2 degrees, and a obtained my ministerial certificate. 

I became fitter, more confident, and more powerful than I ever had and I just had to share all that I was learning with as many people as possible. So I studied fitness & became a certified personal trainer so I could help others elevate their health and overcome every obstacle to fitness.  

I started training privately but clients soon dried up. So I found a local gym and began training clients there. After some successes, eventually they changed policies and I was out looking for work again, intent on sharing the amazing results I had been getting for myself and my clients. 

I soon found work with a new gym that embraced my training philosophies and I immediately began my mission to transform the lives of those frustrated with fitness, desperate to live the FIT life. 

After years of training and seeing my clients transform their bodies and lifestyles, I finally packaged up all I had learned into online training courses so I could transform the world.

Now, I'm inviting YOU to schedule your FREE FITlifeROCKS Coaching Session by clicking the link below. It's only 45-60 minutes and I'll provide you with the framework and structure to transform your life and live the FIT life you deserve!

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Copyright © 2020 - Fitgenius30 |  fitliferocks@gmail.com | All Rights Reserved.
**Not associated with Facebook or Facebook, INC
I, the author, am not a doctor, nutritionist, or registered dietician AT ALL, and this information should not be taken as medical advice. You should definitely get a physician’s approval before beginning this program or following any of the advice from this program. This program is designed for reasonably healthy adults aged 18 and older.  I, the author, am not liable or responsible for any damages, resulting from the use of this program. The user acknowledges any risk of injury, caused, or alleged, with the use of this program. If your physician advises to not use the information contained in this program, please abide by those orders.  All rights reserved. NO part of this guide may be reproduced, transcribed, transmitted, or translated in any language, without the written permission and signature of the author.
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